The twins are finally here! Drew Richards and Benjamin Wallace Bailey were born Wednesday, November 11, 11 minutes apart. Drew entered the world at 10:59am and Ben arrived at 11:10am. Notice all the 11's! We got a kick out of that! I had an amazing delivery and the boys were healthy. We were able to go home 2 days later. The transition has been smooth and everyone is adjusting well.
With the help of my best friend (and 3 of her little elves) I recently took pictures of the twins. I can't believe they are almost 2 weeks old. These past two weeks have been a blur, but I have so much to be thankful for. They are healthy and well loved. The kids, even my youngest now, love them so much. I am one blessed woman!

Mr. Ben: Little body, loud voice!

Gentle Drew: Must have his little brother by his side to be happy.

Cuddly little teddy bears.

Sweet peas.