Friday, February 4, 2011

After a year of seeking God's direction for babyfeet photography, I've decided to make some changes.

I'm happy to announce that babyfeet photography is now   I knew something needed to be changed.  I thought it was the logo.  I went back and forth between a few but never felt a peace about any of them.  Without clear direction, I decided to dedicate 30 min.-1 hour for a few days in a row to pray specifically for my business.  I talked to God and listened to what he had to say.  I wrote in my journal and he met me.  I asked him to give me a name if I was to change it and to give me a clear vision of what the logo was to look like.  He did just that.  Ever since the first of the year the Lord has been speaking to my heart about being real and not trying to cover up who I really am for the sake of everyone else.  The name "" embodies everything the Lord has spoken to me about myself and my photography.  I'm very excited about what the future holds, especially because I know it is God that directs my steps and has a plan and purpose for my life.  He wishes good for me and not bad.

With this said, after tomorrow the babyfeet blog, website, email and facebook page will no longer be available.  You may now reach me the following ways:

Follow's blog here.  I've already made one post about my brand new nephew!

Browse's website here.  Please bear with me.  It's going to take a while to switch everything over.

Become a fan and "LIKE" on facebook here.  Do this by 9pm tonight and be entered into a drawing for a FREE SESSION!


Thanks, everyone, for your support!


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