Monday, December 28, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Survival Tactics-3 things that keep me going.

Tactic 1.
My relationship with God.

Tactic 2.
My every morning latte made by me.

Tactic 3.
My lap top, which provides a creative outlet and access to the outside world.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Christmas Tradition

Each year Stephen and I get each of our children an ornament to put on the tree that describes something about them or what they're into that year. Most years we get pretty creative and find really inexpensive ones or use toys and just hot glue a ribbon on it. This year I have not had time to spend shopping for ornaments, so I took the expensive way out and went to Hallmark in the Mall. I ended up spending a lot of money...just on the boys. I was ready to be done and "paid" for it...literally. I am happy, however, with the results because each ornament fit each child to a T.
I sincerely hope you're enjoying your Christmas traditions this season!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Meet Mandy.

Meet Mandy. She is the daughter of some friends of ours and was born one week before my twins. I enjoyed the sweetness of shooting a baby girl. She's a doll and has skin as perfect as one.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Drew and Ben at 1 month.

Here are my sweet babies at one month. The time has passed by so quickly! Their physical features are ever changing, especially little Ben. They're also developing their own personalities! Drew has turned out to be the calm, yet constantly hungry one. When he's not hungry he's content to sit in the bouncer and look around for long lengths of time. Little Ben is demanding and always wants to be held. He doesn't really like the swing or bouncer, just our arms. I don't get a lot done around the house, but I have to constantly remind myself that my first priority is to be a mom to these little ones and their brothers and sister and a wife to my husband. If I have done these things well, then I am happy (even if there are crumbs under the dirty dinner table, dishes in the sink and vomiting laundry baskets)!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Drew and Ben At 3 weeks: Under The Christmas Tree

Ben on the left. Drew on the right.



Big Bro. Jonathan had to get in on the shoot. What a sweet smile...don't let it fool you!!